Fasilitas Hotel Aston
- Ballroom Aston
- 10 Courses of International Buffet Menu
- 1 appetizer
- 1 soup
- 1 nasi
- 1 mie
- 1 sayur
- 1 ikan
- 1 ayam
- 1 daging
- 2 dessert
- Food tasting of 5 persons
- 10 (ten) Complimentary Parking Voucher
- Screen and Standard Sound System
Busana Akad Pengantin by Rickyidm/ Elegance/ Pinang Masak II
- Pakaian Akad Sunting dan Melati Pengantin Akad
- 2 bh Songket Ibu Akad
- 2 bh Pakaian Rumpak Tanjak Bapak Akad
Dokumentasi By Java / Luminore / Lenza (Silver)
- Photographer & Video Shooting Akad
- 2 Fotografer & 2 Videografer
- Liputan Foto Video Akad
- 1 Album Kolase Uk. 20×30 15 Sheet Box Standart
- DVD All Files Wedding
Tata Rias By Miaomakeup / Ciqarizka / Vini / Indah
- Tata Rias Pengantin
- Tata Rias Ibu Pengantin 2 Org
Dekorasi By Success, Eviar, Elite, Weddings Me
- Dekorasi Akad Nikah 6-7m
Lain – Lain
- 20 Keranjang Hantaran
- Henna, Lulur & Tangas By La Sheilla
- Wedding Planner + Organizer 5-10 Crew
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